Added screen and tmux plugins.

This commit is contained in:
Sorin Ionescu 2011-09-05 01:48:42 -04:00
parent d06c380935
commit 7d203cd47c
3 changed files with 45 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -98,16 +98,6 @@ if ! check-bool "$DISABLE_COLOR"; then
fi fi
fi fi
# Terminal Multiplexer
alias sl="screen -list"
alias sr="screen -a -A -U -D -R"
alias sn="screen -U -S"
if (( $+commands[tmux] )); then
alias tl="tmux list-sessions"
alias ta="tmux attach-session"
# Miscellaneous # Miscellaneous
(( $+commands[ack] )) && alias afind='ack -il' (( $+commands[ack] )) && alias afind='ack -il'
(( $+commands[ebuild] )) && alias ebuild='nocorrect ebuild' (( $+commands[ebuild] )) && alias ebuild='nocorrect ebuild'

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: screen.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: oh-my-zsh plugin file.
# AUTHOR: Sorin Ionescu <>
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aliases
alias sl="screen -list"
alias sr="screen -a -A -U -D -R"
alias sn="screen -U -S"
# Auto
if (( $SHLVL == 1 )) && ! check-bool "$DISABLE_AUTO_SCREEN"; then
(( SHLVL += 1 )) && export SHLVL
session="$(screen -list 2> /dev/null | sed '1d;$d' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1)"
if [[ -n "$session" ]]; then
exec screen -x "$session"
exec screen -a -A -U -D -R -m "$SHELL" -l

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: tmux.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: oh-my-zsh plugin file.
# AUTHOR: Sorin Ionescu <>
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aliases
alias tl="tmux list-sessions"
alias ta="tmux attach-session"
# Auto
if (( $SHLVL == 1 )) && ! check-bool "$DISABLE_AUTO_TMUX"; then
(( SHLVL += 1 )) && export SHLVL
session="$(tmux list-sessions 2> /dev/null | cut -d':' -f1 | head -1)"
if [[ -n "$session" ]]; then
exec tmux attach-session -t "$session"
exec tmux new-session "$SHELL -l"