# # Exposes information about the Ruby environment via the $ruby_info associative # array. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu # local version local version_format local version_formatted local version_manager # Clean up previous $ruby_info. unset ruby_info typeset -gA ruby_info if (( $+commands[rvm-prompt] )); then version="$(rvm-prompt)" version_manager="rvm" elif (( $+commands[rbenv] )); then version="$(rbenv version-name)" version_manager="rbenv" elif (( $+commands[ruby] )); then version="${${$(ruby --version)[(w)1,(w)2]}/ /-}" version_manager="ruby" fi # Format version. if [[ -n "$version" ]]; then zstyle -s ':prezto:module:ruby:info:version' format 'version_format' zformat -a version_formatted ":" "$version_manager:$version" ruby_info[version]="$version_formatted" fi