# # A ZSH theme based on a combination of the skwp prezto theme and the robl ohmyzsh theme. # * RVM info shown on the right # * Git branch info on the left # * Single line prompt # * Time since last commit on the left # * Time in place of user@hostname # # Authors: # David Rice ZSH_THEME_REP_TIME_SINCE_COMMIT_SHORT="%{$fg[green]%}" ZSH_THEME_REP_TIME_SINCE_COMMIT_MEDIUM="%{$fg[yellow]%}" ZSH_THEME_REP_TIME_SINCE_COMMIT_LONG="%{$fg[red]%}" ZSH_THEME_REP_TIME_SINCE_COMMIT_NEUTRAL="%{$fg[cyan]%}" # returns the time since last git commit function git_time_details() { # only proceed if there is actually a git repository if `git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1`; then # only proceed if there is actually a commit if [[ $(git log 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep -c "^fatal: bad default revision") == 0 ]]; then # get the last commit hash # lc_hash=`git log --pretty=format:'%h' -1 2> /dev/null` # get the last commit time lc_time=`git log --pretty=format:'%at' -1 2> /dev/null` now=`date +%s` seconds_since_last_commit=$((now-lc_time)) lc_time_since=`time_since_commit $seconds_since_last_commit` echo "$lc_time_since" else echo "" fi else echo "" fi } # returns the time by given seconds function time_since_commit() { seconds_since_last_commit=$(($1 + 0)) # totals MINUTES=$((seconds_since_last_commit / 60)) HOURS=$((seconds_since_last_commit/3600)) # sub-hours and sub-minutes DAYS=$((seconds_since_last_commit / 86400)) SUB_HOURS=$((HOURS % 24)) SUB_MINUTES=$((MINUTES % 60)) if [ "$HOURS" -gt 24 ]; then echo "${DAYS}d${SUB_HOURS}h${SUB_MINUTES}m" elif [ "$MINUTES" -gt 60 ]; then echo "${HOURS}h${SUB_MINUTES}m" else echo "${MINUTES}m" fi } function rvm_info_for_prompt { if [[ -d ~/.rvm/ ]]; then local ruby_version=$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt) if [ -n "$ruby_version" ]; then echo "$ruby_version" fi else echo "" fi } function prompt_powerline_precmd { # Check for untracked files or updated submodules since vcs_info doesn't. if [[ ! -z $(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard 2> /dev/null) ]]; then fmt_branch="%b%u%c${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[4]}●%f" else fmt_branch="%b%u%c" fi zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' formats "${fmt_branch}" vcs_info 'prompt' RVM_PRECMD_INFO=$(rvm_info_for_prompt) # zstyle ':prezto:module:ruby' rvm '%r' } function prompt_powerline_setup { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS unsetopt XTRACE KSH_ARRAYS prompt_opts=(cr percent subst) autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz vcs_info add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_powerline_precmd # Use extended color pallete if available. if [[ $TERM = *256color* || $TERM = *rxvt* ]]; then __PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS=( "%F{81}" # turquoise "%F{166}" # orange "%F{135}" # purple "%F{161}" # hotpink "%F{118}" # limegreen ) else __PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS=( "%F{cyan}" "%F{yellow}" "%F{magenta}" "%F{red}" "%F{green}" ) fi # Enable VCS systems you use. zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable bzr git hg svn # check-for-changes can be really slow. # You should disable it if you work with large repositories. zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' check-for-changes true # Formats: # %b - branchname # %u - unstagedstr (see below) # %c - stagedstr (see below) # %a - action (e.g. rebase-i) # %R - repository path # %S - path in the repository # %n - user # %m - machine hostname # local fmt_branch="(${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[1]}%b%f%u%c)" local fmt_branch="${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[2]}%b%f%u%c" local fmt_action="${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[5]}%a%f" local fmt_unstaged="${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[2]}●%f" local fmt_staged="${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[5]}●%f" zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' unstagedstr "${fmt_unstaged}" zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' stagedstr "${fmt_staged}" zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' actionformats "${fmt_branch}${fmt_action}" zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' formats "${fmt_branch}" zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' nvcsformats "" # SPLIT RVM PROMPT INFO # TODO: should assign this to local variable? somehow doesn't work correctly. rvm_split=("${(s/@/)$(rvm_info_for_prompt)}") # if [ "$POWERLINE_RIGHT_B" = "" ]; then # POWERLINE_RIGHT_B=%D{%H:%M:%S} local powerline_right_b=$rvm_split[1] # fi # if [ "$POWERLINE_RIGHT_A" = "" ]; then local powerline_right_a=$rvm_split[2] # fi # Setup powerline style colouring POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_GRAY=%K{240} POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_LIGHT_GRAY=%K{240} POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_WHITE=%K{255} POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_GRAY=%F{240} POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_LIGHT_GRAY=%F{240} POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_WHITE=%F{255} POWERLINE_SEPARATOR=$'\u2b80' POWERLINE_R_SEPARATOR=$'\u2b82' POWERLINE_LEFT_A="%K{green}%F{white} %~ %k%f%F{green}%K{blue}"$POWERLINE_SEPARATOR POWERLINE_LEFT_B="%k%f%F{white}%K{blue} "'${vcs_info_msg_0_}'" %k%f%F{blue}%K{black}"$POWERLINE_SEPARATOR POWERLINE_LEFT_C=" %k%f%F{white}%K{black}"'$(git_time_details)'" %k%f%F{black}"$POWERLINE_SEPARATOR"%f " PROMPT=$POWERLINE_LEFT_A$POWERLINE_LEFT_B$POWERLINE_LEFT_C # RPROMPT=$POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_WHITE$POWERLINE_R_SEPARATOR"%f$POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_WHITE $POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_GRAY$powerline_right_b "$POWERLINE_R_SEPARATOR"%f%k$POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_GRAY$POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_WHITE $powerline_right_a %f%k" # RPROMPT=$POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_WHITE$POWERLINE_R_SEPARATOR"%f$POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_WHITE $POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_GRAY"'$powerline_right_b'" "$POWERLINE_R_SEPARATOR"%f%k$POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_GRAY$POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_WHITE "'$powerline_right_a'" %f%k" RPROMPT=$POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_WHITE$POWERLINE_R_SEPARATOR"%f$POWERLINE_COLOR_BG_WHITE $POWERLINE_COLOR_FG_GRAY"'$(rvm_info_for_prompt)'" " } prompt_powerline_setup "$@"