# # Initializes Oh My Zsh. # # Authors: # Robby Russell <robby@planetargon.com> # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # # Check for the minimum supported version. min_zsh_version='4.3.10' if ! autoload -Uz is-at-least || ! is-at-least "$min_zsh_version"; then print "omz: old shell detected, minimum required: $min_zsh_version" >&2 fi unset min_zsh_version # Disable color and theme in dumb terminals. if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then zstyle ':omz:*:*' color 'no' zstyle ':omz:prompt' theme 'off' fi # Get enabled plugins. zstyle -a ':omz:load' plugin 'plugins' # Add functions to fpath. fpath=( ${0:h}/themes/*(/FN) ${plugins:+${0:h}/plugins/${^plugins}/{functions,completions}(/FN)} ${0:h}/{functions,completions}(/FN) $fpath ) # Load and initialize the completion system ignoring insecure directories. autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -i # Source files (the order matters). source "${0:h}/helper.zsh" source "${0:h}/environment.zsh" source "${0:h}/terminal.zsh" source "${0:h}/keyboard.zsh" source "${0:h}/completion.zsh" source "${0:h}/history.zsh" source "${0:h}/directory.zsh" source "${0:h}/alias.zsh" source "${0:h}/spectrum.zsh" source "${0:h}/utility.zsh" # Autoload Zsh functions. autoload -Uz age autoload -Uz zargs autoload -Uz zcalc autoload -Uz zmv # Source plugins defined in ~/.zshrc. for plugin in "$plugins[@]"; do zstyle ":omz:plugin:$plugin" enable 'yes' if [[ ! -d "${0:h}/plugins/$plugin" ]]; then print "omz: no such plugin: $plugin" >&2 fi if [[ -f "${0:h}/plugins/$plugin/init.zsh" ]]; then source "${0:h}/plugins/$plugin/init.zsh" fi done unset plugin plugins # Autoload Oh My Zsh functions. for fdir in "$fpath[@]"; do if [[ "$fdir" == ${0:h}/(|*/)functions ]]; then for func in $fdir/[^_.]*(N.:t); do autoload -Uz $func done fi done unset fdir func # Set environment variables for launchd processes. if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then for env_var in PATH MANPATH; do launchctl setenv "$env_var" "${(P)env_var}" &! done unset env_var fi # Load and run the prompt theming system. autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit # Load the prompt theme. zstyle -a ':omz:prompt' theme 'prompt_argv' if (( $#prompt_argv > 0 )); then prompt "$prompt_argv[@]" else prompt 'off' fi unset prompt_argv # Compile the completion dump, to increase startup speed. dump_file="$HOME/.zcompdump" if [[ "$dump_file" -nt "${dump_file}.zwc" || ! -f "${dump_file}.zwc" ]]; then zcompile "$dump_file" fi unset dump_file