Node.js ======= Provides utility functions for [Node.js][1], loads the Node Version Manager, and enables [npm][2] completion. nvm --- [nvm][5] allows for managing multiple, isolated Node.js installations in the home directory. Functions --------- - `node-doc` opens the Node.js online [API documentation][3] in the default browser. - `node-info` exposes information about the Node.js environment via the `$node_info` associative array. Theming ------- To display the version number or fork of the current Node.js or io.js version, define the following style inside the `prompt_name_setup` function. # %v - Node.js version. # %f - Node.js fork (either node or iojs). zstyle ':prezto:module:node:info:version' format 'version:%v' zstyle ':prezto:module:node:info:fork' format 'fork:%f' Then add `$node_info[version]` and/or `$node_info[fork]` to either `$PROMPT` or `$RPROMPT` and call `node-info` in `prompt_name_preexec` hook function. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][4].* - [Sorin Ionescu]( - [Zeh Rizzatti]( - [Robbie Trencheny]( [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: