Pacman ====== Provides aliases and utility functions for package management on Arch Linux with `pacman` and `yaourt`. Aliases ------- This module defines some useful aliases to work with `pacman` and `yaourt`. These aliases use `sudo` whenever a command needs privileges. - `arch-upgrade`: Upgrade the whole system with `yaourt`, if installed, or with `pacman` otherwise. ### Aliases for `yaourt` These aliases use the `yaourt` command, and are thus only available, if [`yaourt`][1] is installed. - `yaconf`: Fix all configuration files with `vimdiff`. - `yaupg`: Synchronize repositories and upgrade packages that are out of date. - `yain`: Install specific package(s) from the *repositories*. - `yainsd`: Install a specific package(s) from the *repositories* as *dependency* of another package. - `yains`: Install specific packages(s) from *local file(s)*. - `yare`: Remove specified package(s), *retaining* its configuration(s) and dependencies. - `yarem`: Remove the specified package(s), *including* its configuration(s) and unneeded dependencies. - `yarep`: Display information about a given package in the *repositories*. - `yaloc`: Display information about a given package in the *local database*. - `yareps`: Search for package(s) in the *repositories*. - `yalocs`: Search for package(s) in the *local database*. - `yamir`: Force refresh of all package lists after updating `/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist`. - `yaupd`: Update and refresh the local package and ABS (if `abs` is installed) databases against the repositories. ### Aliases for `pacman` These aliases use the `pacman` command. - `pacupg`: Synchronize repositories and upgrade packages that are out of date. - `pacin`: Install specific package(s) from the *repositories*. - `pacinsd`: Install a specific package(s) from the *repositories* as *dependency* of another package. - `pacins`: Install specific packages(s) from *local file(s)*. - `pacre`: Remove specified package(s), *retaining* its configuration(s) and dependencies. - `pacrem`: Remove the specified package(s), *including* its configuration(s) and unneeded dependencies. - `pacrep`: Display information about a given package in the *repositories*. - `pacloc`: Display information about a given package in the *local database*. - `pacreps`: Search for package(s) in the *repositories*. - `paclocs`: Search for package(s) in the *local database*. - `pacmir`: Force refresh of all package lists after updating `/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist`. - `pacupg`: Update and refresh the local package and ABS (if `abs` is installed) databases against the repositories. - `paclsorphans`: List orphan package(s). - `pacrmorphans`: Remove orphan package(s). Functions --------- This module defines the following functions: - `paclist`: List explicitly installed pacman packages. - `pacdisowned`: List pacman disowned files. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the Github issue tracker.* - [Sorin Ionescu](/sorin-ionescu) [1]: