Dpkg ==== Defines [dpkg][1] aliases and functions Aliases ------- ### General - `as` searches for a package. - `ad` updates packages lists. - `au` upgrades packages. - `ai` installs package. - `ar` removes package. - `ap` prints pinning levels. - `av` shows package info. - `acs` searches for a package. - `ac` cleans cache. - `afs` finds a file's package. - `debi` installs all deb files in the current directory - `debc` creates a basic deb package - `kclean` removes ALL kernel images and headers EXCEPT the one in use. Functions --------- - `apt-copy` generate a script that can duplicate and apt based system - `apt-history` displays dpkg history - `dbb-build` makes a dpkg linux kernel package Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][2].* - [Sorin Ionescu](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu) - [Daniel Bolton](https://github.com/dbb) - [Benjamin Boudreau](https://github.com/dreur) [1]: http://alioth.debian.org/projects/dpkg [2]: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/oh-my-zsh/issues