.TH Dpkg .PP Defines dpkg .UR http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg .UE aliases and functions. .SH Aliases .RS .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebc\fR cleans the cache. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebf\fR displays a file's packake. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebi\fR installs packages from repositories. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebI\fR installs packages from files. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebq\fR displays package information. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebu\fR updates the packages lists. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebU\fR upgrades outdated packages. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebx\fR removes packages. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebX\fR removes packages, their configuration, and unneeded dependencies. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdebs\fR searches for packages. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdeb-build\fR creates a basic .deb package. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdeb-kclean\fR removes all kernel images and headers, except for the ones in use. .RE .SH Functions .RS .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdeb-clone\fR generates a script that can be used to duplicate a dpkg\-based system. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdeb-history\fR displays dpkg history. .IP \(bu 2 \fB\fCdeb-kbuild\fR makes a dpkg Linux kernel package. .RE .SH Authors .PP \fIThe authors of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker .UR https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/issues .UE .\fP .RS .IP \(bu 2 Daniel Bolton .UR https://github.com/dbb .UE .IP \(bu 2 Benjamin Boudreau .UR https://github.com/dreur .UE .IP \(bu 2 Sorin Ionescu .UR https://github.com/sorin-ionescu .UE .RE