OSX === Defines [Mac OS X][1] aliases and functions. Aliases ------- - `cdf` changes the current working director to the current _Finder_ directory. - `pushdf` pushes the current working directory onto the directory queue and changes the current working director to the current _Finder_ directory. Functions --------- - `mand` opens _man_ pages in [_Dash.app_][2]. - `manp` opens _man_ pages in _Preview.app_. - `pfd` prints the current _Finder_ directory. - `pfs` prints the current _Finder_ selection. - `tab` creates a new tab (works in both _Terminal_ and [_iTerm_][3]). - `ql` previews files in Quick Look. - `osx-rm-dir-metadata` deletes .DS\_Store, \_\_MACOSX cruft. - `osx-ls-download-history` displays the Mac OS X download history. - `osx-rm-download-history` deletes the Mac OS X download history. - `tab-title` sets the tab title (works in both _Terminal_ and [_iTerm_][3]). Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][4].* - [Sorin Ionescu](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu) [1]: http://www.apple.com/macosx/ [2]: http://kapeli.com/dash [3]: http://www.iterm2.com/ [4]: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/issues