# # Copyright © 2014 George Crabtree & Christopher Newton. MIT License # k () { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Turn on 256 colour terminal, not sure this works at all. OLD_TERM=$TERM TERM='xterm-256color' # Stop stat failing when a directory contains either no files or no hidden files setopt local_options null_glob # --------------------------------- # Vars # Get now EPOCH=`date +%s` TOTAL_BLOCKS=0 MAX_LEN=(0 0 0 0 0 0) # String "~|~" acts a delimeter to split string STAT_CALL="%b~#~%Sp~|~%l~|~%Su~|~%Sg~|~%Z~|~%Sm~|~%N~|~%Y" STAT_TIME="%s^%d^%b^%H:%M^%Y" # Array to hold results from `stat` call RESULTS=() # only set once so must be out of the main loop IS_GIT_REPO=false # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Stat call to get directory listing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Break total blocks of the front of the stat call, then push the rest to results i=1; stat -f $STAT_CALL -t $STAT_TIME . .. .* * | while read STAT_RESULTS do STAT_RESULTS=(${(s:~#~:)STAT_RESULTS}) TOTAL_BLOCKS=$((TOTAL_BLOCKS+STAT_RESULTS[1])) RESULTS+=($STAT_RESULTS[2]) i=$((i+1)) done # Print total block before listing echo "total "$TOTAL_BLOCKS # On each result calculate padding by getting max length on each array member j=1; while [[ j -le $#RESULTS ]] do A=(${(s:~|~:)RESULTS[j]}) if [[ $#A[1] -ge $MAX_LEN[1] ]]; then MAX_LEN[1]=$#A[1]; fi; if [[ $#A[2] -ge $MAX_LEN[2] ]]; then MAX_LEN[2]=$#A[2]; fi; if [[ $#A[3] -ge $MAX_LEN[3] ]]; then MAX_LEN[3]=$#A[3]; fi; if [[ $#A[4] -ge $MAX_LEN[4] ]]; then MAX_LEN[4]=$#A[4]; fi; if [[ $#A[5] -ge $MAX_LEN[5] ]]; then MAX_LEN[5]=$#A[5]; fi; j=$((j+1)) done # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Loop through each line of stat, pad where appropriate and do git dirty checking # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ k=1; while [[ k -le $#RESULTS ]] do # We check if the result is a git repo later, so set a blank marker indication the result is not a git repo REPOMARKER=" " IS_DIRECTORY=false IS_SYMLINK=false IS_EXECUTABLE=false # create array from results by splitting on ~|~ A=(${(s:~|~:)RESULTS[k]}) PERMISSIONS=$A[1] SYMLINKS=$A[2] OWNER=$A[3] GROUP=$A[4] FILESIZE=$A[5] DATE=(${(s:^:)A[6]}) # Split date on ^ NAME=$A[7] SYMLINK_TARGET=$A[8] # Check for file types if [[ -d $NAME ]]; then IS_DIRECTORY=true; fi if [[ -L $NAME ]]; then IS_SYMLINK=true; fi # is this a git repo if [[ $k == 1 && $(command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null) == true ]] then IS_GIT_REPO=true fi; # Pad so all the lines align - firstline gets padded the other way while [[ $#PERMISSIONS -lt $MAX_LEN[1] ]]; do PERMISSIONS=$PERMISSIONS" "; done; while [[ $#SYMLINKS -lt $MAX_LEN[2] ]]; do SYMLINKS=" "$SYMLINKS; done; while [[ $#OWNER -lt $MAX_LEN[3] ]]; do OWNER=" "$OWNER; done; while [[ $#GROUP -lt $MAX_LEN[4] ]]; do GROUP=" "$GROUP; done; while [[ $#FILESIZE -lt $MAX_LEN[5] ]]; do FILESIZE=" "$FILESIZE; done; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour the permissions - TODO # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour the first character based on filetype FILETYPE=$PERMISSIONS FILETYPE=$FILETYPE[1] if [[ $IS_DIRECTORY == true ]] then FILETYPE=${FILETYPE//d/"\033[1;36md\033[0m"}; elif [[ $IS_SYMLINK == true ]]; then FILETYPE=${FILETYPE//l/"\033[0;35ml\033[0m"}; elif [[ $FILETYPE == "-" ]]; then FILETYPE=${FILETYPE//-/"\033[0;37m-\033[0m"}; fi # Permissions Owner PER1=$PERMISSIONS PER1=$PER1[2,4] # Permissions Group PER2=$PERMISSIONS PER2=$PER2[5,7] # Permissions User PER3=$PERMISSIONS PER3=$PER3[8,10] PERMISSIONS_OUTPUT=$FILETYPE$PER1$PER2$PER3 # --x --x --x warning if [[ $PER1[3] == "x" || $PER1[3] == "x" || $PER3[3] == "x" ]]; then IS_EXECUTABLE=true; fi # --- --- rwx warning if [[ $PER3 == "rwx" ]]; then PERMISSIONS_OUTPUT="\033[30;41m$PERMISSIONS\033[0m"; fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour the symlinks - TODO # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour Owner and Group # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OWNER="\033[38;5;241m$OWNER\033[0m" GROUP="\033[38;5;241m$GROUP\033[0m" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour file weights # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # GREEN_TO_RED=(46 82 118 154 190 226 220 214 208 202 196) COLOR=(7) # cant get int to work somehow? if [[ $FILESIZE -le 1024 ]]; then COLOR[1]=46; # <= 1kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 2048 ]]; then COLOR[1]=82; # <= 2kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 3072 ]]; then COLOR[1]=118; # <= 3kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 5120 ]]; then COLOR[1]=154; # <= 5kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 10240 ]]; then COLOR[1]=190; # <= 10kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 20480 ]]; then COLOR[1]=226; # <= 20kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 40960 ]]; then COLOR[1]=220; # <= 40kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 102400 ]]; then COLOR[1]=214; # <= 100kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 262144 ]]; then COLOR[1]=208; # <= 0.25mb ]] 256kb elif [[ $FILESIZE -le 524288 ]]; then COLOR[1]=202; # <= 0.5mb || 512kb else COLOR[1]=196; # >= 0.5mb || 512kb fi; FILESIZE="\033[38;5;$COLOR[1]m$FILESIZE\033[0m" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour the date and time based on age, then format for output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup colours based on time difference TIME_DIFF=$(($EPOCH-$DATE[1])) if [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 0 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=196m; # < in the future, #spooky elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 60 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=255m; # < less than a min old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 3600 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=252m; # < less than an hour old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 86400 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=250m; # < less than 1 day old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 604800 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=244m; # < less than 1 week old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 2419200 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=244m; # < less than 28 days (4 weeks) old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 15724800 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=242m; # < less than 26 weeks (6 months) old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 31449600 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=240m; # < less than 1 year old elif [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 62899200 ]]; then TIME_COLOR=238m; # < less than 2 years old else TIME_COLOR=236m; # > more than 2 years old fi; # Format date to show year if more than 6 months since last modified if [[ $TIME_DIFF -lt 15724800 ]]; then DATE_OUTPUT=$DATE[2]" "$DATE[3]" "$DATE[4] else DATE_OUTPUT=$DATE[2]" "$DATE[3]" "$DATE[5] fi; DATE_OUTPUT[1]=${DATE_OUTPUT[1]//0/" "} # If day of month begins with zero, replace zero with space # Apply colour to formated date DATE_OUTPUT="\033[38;5;$TIME_COLOR$DATE_OUTPUT\033[0m" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour the repomarker # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check for git repo, first checking if the result is a directory if [[ ($IS_GIT_REPO == false || $k == 1 || $k == 2) && ($IS_DIRECTORY == true || $IS_SYMLINK == true && $IS_DIRECTORY == true) ]] # if a directory then if [[ -d $NAME"/.git" ]] # if contains a git folder then if command git --git-dir=`pwd`/$NAME/.git --work-tree=`pwd`/$NAME diff --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD &>/dev/null # if dirty then REPOMARKER="\033[0;32m|\033[0m" # Show a green vertical bar for dirty else REPOMARKER="\033[0;31m|\033[0m" # Show a red vertical bar if clean fi fi fi if [[ $IS_GIT_REPO == true && $k != 1 && $k != 2 && $NAME != '.git' ]] then STATUS=$(command git status --porcelain --ignored --untracked-files="normal" $NAME); STATUS=$STATUS[1,2] if [[ $STATUS == ' M' ]]; then REPOMARKER="\033[0;31m|\033[0m"; # Modified elif [[ $STATUS == '??' ]]; then REPOMARKER="\033[38;5;214m|\033[0m"; # Untracked elif [[ $STATUS == '!!' ]]; then REPOMARKER="\033[38;5;238m|\033[0m"; # Ignored elif [[ $STATUS == 'A ' ]]; then REPOMARKER="\033[38;5;093m|\033[0m"; # Added else REPOMARKER="\033[0;32m|\033[0m"; # Good fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour the filename # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [[ $IS_DIRECTORY == true ]] then NAME="\033[1;36m"$NAME"\033[0m" elif [[ $IS_SYMLINK == true ]]; then NAME="\033[0;35m"$NAME"\033[0m" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Format symlink target # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [[ $SYMLINK_TARGET != "" ]]; then SYMLINK_TARGET="-> "$SYMLINK_TARGET; fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Display final result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo $PERMISSIONS_OUTPUT " "$SYMLINKS $OWNER " "$GROUP " "$FILESIZE $DATE_OUTPUT $REPOMARKER $NAME $SYMLINK_TARGET k=$((k+1)) # Bump loop index done TERM=$OLD_TERM } # http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/15/Xterm_256color_chart.svg