# # firefox home profile (fhp) module to maintain the profile # in a tmpfs or zram backed filesystem # # $Header: firefox-profile/functions/fhp Exp $ # $Aythor: (c) 2011-2014 -tclover Exp $ # $License: MIT (or 2-clause/new/simplified BSD) Exp $ # $Version: 3.0 2014/09/25 21:09:26 Exp $ # function die { local ret=$? print -P " %F{red}*%f ${(%):-%1x}: $@" >&2 return $ret } local compressor profile zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' profile 'profile' zstyle -s ':prezto:module:firefox-profile' compressor 'compressor' local ext=.tar.$compressor[(w)1] pushd -q "$HOME"/.mozilla/firefox || return if [[ -f $profile/.unpacked ]] { mv -f $profile{,.old}$ext if (( $? )) { die "failed to override the old tarball" return } tar -X $profile/.unpacked -Ocp $profile | $=compressor $profile$ext (( $? )) && die "failed to repack a new tarball" popd -q return } if [[ -f $profile$ext ]] { $compressor -cd $profile$ext | tar -xp && touch $profile/.unpacked (( $? )) && die "failed to unpack the profile" } elif [[ -f $profile.old$ext ]] { $compressor -cd $profile.old$ext | tar -xp && touch $profile/.unpacked (( $? )) && die "failed to unpack the profile" } else { die "no tarball found" } popd -q # # vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=zsh:ci:pi:sts=2:sw=2:ts=2: #