Remove silly message on logout display non-success exit value for every command Add first version of modules and load them up Add more paths Allow the sharing of prezto files by differentiating ZDOTDIR and where temp cache files will go: _ZDOTDIR/HOME remove Vim swap files Allow for both a shared and personal overriding .zpreztorc In shared system, put .zcompdump in user's home Fix path of .zcompdump Fixed names of prompt Support callbacks to override user & host value & style Fix transpose* bindings for vi and ^Y for emacs Fixed ordering of paths
112 lines
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112 lines
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# Huy's enhancement of Prezto's bindings
# In VI insert mode, these control-keys are still available.
# (Plus all the escape command such as \eM)
# ^Y
# ^N (not a useful binding right now)
# These bindings depend on and work in conjunction with prezto's 'editor' module.
pmodload 'editor'
# ZLE Widgets
#zle -N insert-nth-last-word
function insert-next-to-last-word() { zle insert-last-word -- -1 -2 }
zle -N insert-next-to-last-word
function insert-more-recent-last-word() { zle insert-last-word -- 1 -1 }
zle -N insert-more-recent-last-word
function insert-more-recent-next-to-last-word() { zle insert-last-word -- 1 -2 }
zle -N insert-more-recent-next-to-last-word
zle -C hist-complete complete-word _generic
zstyle ':completion:hist-complete:*' completer _history
# Reset prezto's annoying bindings
# Undo terrible bindings in 'completion' module
bindkey -M viins -r "jk"
bindkey -M viins -r "kj"
# Undo prezto's zsh-history-substring-search bindings
bindkey -M vicmd 'k' up-line-or-history
bindkey -M vicmd 'j' down-line-or-history
# Some Emacs Key Bindings
# Copied from 'editor' module.
# NOTE: we can't take the ones that are ambiguous: ESC k could mean
# "go to cmd mode and go up" and this ambiguity slows down vi mode.
# Edit command in an external editor.
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]E" edit-command-line
if (( $+widgets[history-incremental-pattern-search-backward] )); then
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]R" \
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]S" \
# Some Emacs and Vi Key Bindings (but for Vi command mode)
# Copied from 'editor' module.
for keymap in 'vicmd'; do
# Complete in the middle of word.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]I" expand-or-complete
# Use a more flexible push-line.
for key in "$key_info[Control]Q"
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" push-line-or-edit
# Custom bindings
# Just as with emacs
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]T" transpose-chars
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Escape]t" transpose-words
# Cancel the current completion (undo the <TAB> completion)
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]Y" undo
# To be more like vim
bindkey -M vicmd 'J' vi-join
bindkey -M vicmd ':' execute-named-cmd
bindkey -M vicmd '_' execute-last-named-cmd
# Expand things
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]P" hist-complete
# Pick out arguments from previous lines (in both directions)
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]O" insert-last-word
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]K" insert-more-recent-last-word
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]E" insert-next-to-last-word
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]A" insert-more-recent-next-to-last-word
# Complete on line-wise prefixes
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]B" history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "$key_info[Control]B" history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey -M viins "$key_info[Control]F" history-beginning-search-forward
bindkey -M vicmd "$key_info[Control]F" history-beginning-search-forward
# This allows you to edit your $PWD with the zle
for keymap in viins emacs
bindkey -M "$keymap" -s '^Z' $'cd $PWD\t'
# Marginally-useful bindigns
# Search in the history list for a line matching the current one and fetch
# the event following
bindkey '^N' infer-next-history # not very useful
unset key{map,}