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Alex Reece 36559d9978
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Last Command

Notifies if the command completes and terminal isn't the foreground window.



By default, notify will use the Notification Center on Mac OSX via terminal-notifier and will fall back to Growl if this is not available. To force the use of growl, add the following to zpreztorc.

zstyle ':prezto:module:notify' force-growl 'yes'

Auto-notify if window not focused

This module can automatically notify if a (long running) command completes while the terminal window does not have focus. This will pop up a notification with information about the last command like this:

Last command notification

To enable this feature, add the following to zpreztorc:

zstyle ':prezto:module:notify' auto-notify 'yes'


The authors of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker.