2012-07-07 13:35:28 +10:00
external@732b7d6e65 Add aliases for tmuxinator if installed 2012-07-07 13:35:28 +10:00
init.zsh Add a zstyle to set the syntax highlighter 2012-06-14 17:20:57 -04:00 [Fix #118] Add documentation for syntax-highlighting 2012-06-14 17:48:24 -04:00

Syntax Highlighting

Integrates zsh-syntax-highlighting into Oh My Zsh.

This module should be loaded second to last, where last is the prompt module, unless used in conjuncture with the history-substring-search module where it must be loaded before it.


New features and bug fixes should be submitted to the zsh-syntax-highlighting project according to its rules and regulations. This module will be synchronized against it.



To enable highlighting for this module only, and the following line to zshrc:

zstyle ':omz:module:syntax-highlighting' color 'yes'


Syntax highlighting is accomplished by pluggable highlighters. This module enables the main, brackets, and cursor highlighters by default.

To enable all highlighters, add the following to zshrc:

zstyle ':omz:module:syntax-highlighting' highlighters \
  'main' \
  'brackets' \
  'pattern' \
  'cursor' \


The authors of this module should be contacted via the issue tracker.