nvm takes on average half of a second to load, which is more than whole prezto takes to load. This can be noticed when you open a new shell. To avoid this, we are creating placeholder function for nvm, node, and all the node packages previously installed in the system to only load nvm when it is needed. This code is based on the scripts: * https://www.reddit.com/r/node/comments/4tg5jg/lazy_load_nvm_for_faster_shell_start/d5ib9fs * http://broken-by.me/lazy-load-nvm/ * https://github.com/creationix/nvm/issues/781#issuecomment-236350067
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# Loads the Node Version Manager and enables npm completion.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
# Zeh Rizzatti <zehrizzatti@gmail.com>
lazy_load_nvm() {
# Skip adding binaries if there is no node version installed yet
if [ -d $NVM_DIR/versions/node ]; then
NODE_GLOBALS=(`find $NVM_DIR/versions/node -maxdepth 3 \( -type l -o -type f \) -wholename '*/bin/*' | xargs -n1 basename | sort | uniq`)
load_nvm () {
# Unset placeholder functions
for cmd in "${NODE_GLOBALS[@]}"; do unset -f ${cmd} &>/dev/null; done
# Load NVM
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
# (Optional) Set the version of node to use from ~/.nvmrc if available
nvm use 2> /dev/null 1>&2 || true
# Do not reload nvm again
export NVM_LOADED=1
for cmd in "${NODE_GLOBALS[@]}"; do
# Skip defining the function if the binary is already in the PATH
if ! which ${cmd} &>/dev/null; then
eval "${cmd}() { unset -f ${cmd} &>/dev/null; [ -z \${NVM_LOADED+x} ] && load_nvm; ${cmd} \$@; }"
# Load manually installed NVM into the shell session.
if [[ -s "$HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh" ]]; then
lazy_load_nvm "$HOME/.nvm"
# Load package manager installed NVM into the shell session.
elif (( $+commands[brew] )) && [[ -d "$(brew --prefix nvm 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
lazy_load_nvm "$(brew --prefix nvm)"
# Return if requirements are not found.
elif (( ! $+commands[node] )); then
return 1
# Load NPM completion.
if (( $+commands[npm] )); then
if [[ "$commands[npm]" -nt "$cache_file" || ! -s "$cache_file" ]]; then
# npm is slow; cache its output.
npm completion >! "$cache_file" 2> /dev/null
source "$cache_file"
unset cache_file