This a proof-of-concept Linux userspace driver to hardware-enable/-disable the touchpads on TongFang/Uniwill laptops. This will also trigger the disabled-led, formerly unfunctional under linux.
It syncs up with the software toggle in the gnome settings deamon.
It comes with some known disfuctionalities:
- only works on desktop evnironments using gsettings/gio
- does not work on loginscreen(gdm)
- needs to be started for every user seperatly
- no script/package to setup autostart
- every user needs write access to the /dev/hidraw* device for the touchpad (udev *.rules giving read and write access included, could be trimmed down to write only)
- switching between 2 users is not detected (on next toggle the software and hardware disable will be in sync again however)
Author: Werner Sembach
Raw i2c communication with the touchpad for reference: