#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 Matthew Wall # Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPLv3) # # Thanks to phillippe larduinat for publishing lnetatmo.py # https://github.com/philippelt/netatmo-api-python # The netatmo API has changed quite a bit since phillippe wrote the code, but # the implementation helps. # # Shame on netatmo for making it very difficult to get data from the hardware # without going through their servers. # # More shame on netatmo for encrypting the communication between the netatmo # station and the netatmo servers, without providing end-users a way to access # their data locally. They used to send data in the clear up to firmware 101, # then instead of fixing a stupid decision to send the wifi network password # to the netatmo servers, they chose to encrypt the communication altogether. # Beware that netatmo might still be receiving your network passwords. """To use cloud mode you must obtain a client_id and client_secret from the netatmo development web servers https://dev.netatmo.com This driver supports multiple devices, and all known modules on each device. As of april 2016 that means the base station, 'outside' T/H, additional T/H, rain, and wind. """ from __future__ import with_statement import Queue import json import re import socket import syslog import threading import time from urllib import urlencode import urllib2 import weewx.drivers import weewx.engine import weewx.units import weewx.wxformulas DRIVER_NAME = 'netatmo' DRIVER_VERSION = "0.8" INHG_PER_MBAR = 0.0295299830714 MPH_TO_KPH = 1.60934 MPS_TO_KPH = 3.6 BEAFORT_TO_KPH = {0: 1, 1: 3.0, 2: 9.0, 3: 15.0, 4: 24.0, 5: 34.0, 6: 43.0, 7: 55.0, 8: 68.0, 9: 82.0, 10: 95.0, 11: 110.0, 12: 120.0} KNOT_TO_KPH = 1.852 def logmsg(level, msg): syslog.syslog(level, 'netatmo: %s: %s' % (threading.currentThread().getName(), msg)) def logdbg(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg) def loginf(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg) def logerr(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg) def loader(config_dict, engine): return NetatmoDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME]) def confeditor_loader(): return NetatmoConfEditor() class NetatmoConfEditor(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfEditor): @property def default_stanza(self): return """ [netatmo] # This section is for the netatmo station. # The mode specifies how driver should obtain data. The 'cloud' mode will # retrieve data from the netatmo.com servers. The 'sniff' mode will parse # packets from the netatmo station on the local network. mode = cloud # The cloud mode requires credentials: username = INSERT_USERNAME_HERE password = INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE client_id = INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE client_secret = INSERT_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE # The driver itself driver = user.netatmo """ def prompt_for_settings(self): settings = dict() print "Specify the mode for obtaining data, either 'cloud' or 'sniff'" settings['mode'] = self._prompt('mode', 'cloud', ['cloud', 'sniff']) if settings['mode'] == 'cloud': print "Specify the username for netatmo.com" self._prompt('username') print "Specify the password for netatmo.com" self._prompt('password') print "Specify the client_id from dev.netatmo.com" self._prompt('client_id') print "Specify the client_secret from dev.netatmo.com" self._prompt('client_secret') return settings class NetatmoDriver(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice): DEFAULT_PORT = 80 DEFAULT_HOST = '' # map from netatmo names to database schema names # apparently battery_vp is in older firmware, whereas battery_percent is # in newer firmware. DEFAULT_SENSOR_MAP = { 'pressure': '*.NAMain.AbsolutePressure', 'inTemp': '*.NAMain.Temperature', 'inHumidity': '*.NAMain.Humidity', 'co2': '*.NAMain.CO2', 'noise': '*.NAMain.Noise', 'wifi_status': '*.NAMain.wifi_status', 'outTemp': '*.NAModule1.Temperature', 'outHumidity': '*.NAModule1.Humidity', 'out_rf_status': '*.NAModule1.rf_status', 'out_battery_vp': '*.NAModule1.battery_vp', 'outTempBatteryStatus': '*.NAModule1.battery_percent', 'extraTemp1': '*.NAModule4.Temperature', 'extraHumid1': '*.NAModule4.Humidity', 'extra_rf_status_1': '*.NAModule4.rf_status', 'extra_battery_vp_1': '*.NAModule4.battery_vp', 'extra1BatteryStatus': '*.NAModule4.battery_percent', 'windSpeed': '*.NAModule2.WindStrength', 'windDir': '*.NAModule2.WindAngle', 'windGust': '*.NAModule2.GustStrength', 'windGustDir': '*.NAModule2.GustAngle', 'wind_rf_status': '*.NAModule2.rf_status', 'wind_battery_vp': '*.NAModule2.battery_vp', 'windBatteryStatus': '*.NAModule2.battery_percent', 'rain': '*.NAModule3.Rain', 'rain_total': '*.NAModule3.sum_rain_24', 'rain_rf_status': '*.NAModule3.rf_status', 'rain_battery_vp': '*.NAModule3.battery_vp', 'rainBatteryStatus': '*.NAModule3.battery_percent'} def __init__(self, **stn_dict): loginf("driver version is %s" % DRIVER_VERSION) self.sensor_map = dict(NetatmoDriver.DEFAULT_SENSOR_MAP) if 'sensor_map' in stn_dict: self.sensor_map.update(stn_dict['sensor_map']) loginf('sensor map is %s' % self.sensor_map) device_id = stn_dict.get('device_id', None) mode = stn_dict.get('mode', 'cloud') self.last_rain = None if mode.lower() == 'sniff': port = int(stn_dict.get('port', NetatmoDriver.DEFAULT_PORT)) addr = stn_dict.get('host', NetatmoDriver.DEFAULT_HOST) self.collector = PacketSniffer((addr, port)) elif mode.lower() == 'cloud': max_tries = int(stn_dict.get('max_tries', 5)) retry_wait = int(stn_dict.get('retry_wait', 10)) # seconds poll_interval = int(stn_dict.get('poll_interval', 300)) # seconds username = stn_dict['username'] password = stn_dict['password'] client_id = stn_dict['client_id'] client_secret = stn_dict['client_secret'] self.collector = CloudClient( username, password, client_id, client_secret, device_id=device_id, poll_interval=poll_interval, max_tries=max_tries, retry_wait=retry_wait) else: raise ValueError("unsupported mode '%s'" % mode) self.collector.startup() def closePort(self): self.collector.shutdown() @property def hardware_name(self): return DRIVER_NAME def genLoopPackets(self): while True: try: data = self.collector.queue.get(True, 10) logdbg('data: %s' % data) pkt = self.data_to_packet(data) logdbg('packet: %s' % pkt) if pkt: yield pkt except Queue.Empty: pass def data_to_packet(self, data): # convert netatmo data to format for database packet = dict() packet['dateTime'] = int(time.time() + 0.5) packet['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC for n in self.sensor_map: label = self._find_match(self.sensor_map[n], data.keys()) if label: packet[n] = data.get(label) return packet @staticmethod def _find_match(pattern, keylist): pparts = pattern.split('.') if len(pparts) != 3: return None for k in keylist: kparts = k.split('.') if len(kparts) != 3: return None if (NetatmoDriver._part_match(pparts[0], kparts[0]) and NetatmoDriver._part_match(pparts[1], kparts[1]) and NetatmoDriver._part_match(pparts[2], kparts[2])): return k return None @staticmethod def _part_match(pattern, value): if pattern == value: return True if pattern == '*' and value: return True return False def _augment_packet(self, packet): if 'rain_total' in packet: total = packet['rain_total'] if (total is not None and self.last_rain is not None and total < self.last_rain): loginf("rain counter decrement ignored:" " new: %s old: %s" % (total, self.last_rain)) packet['rain'] = weewx.wxformulas.calculate_rain( total, self.last_rain) self.last_rain = total class Collector(object): queue = Queue.Queue() def startup(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass class CloudClient(Collector): """Poll the netatmo servers for data. Put the result on the queue. noise is measured in dB co2 is measured in ppm rain is measured in mm temperatures are measured in C or F the user object indicates the units of the download unit: 0: metric, 1: imperial windunit: 0: kph, 1: mph, 2: m/s, 3: beafort, 4: knot pressureunit: 0: mbar, 1: inHg, 2: mmHg lang: user locale reg_locale: regional preferences for date feel_like_algo: 0: humidex, 1: heat-index rf_status is a mapping to rssi (+dB) 0: 90, 1: 80, 2: 70, 3: 60 wifi_status is a mapping to rssi (+dB) 0: 86, 1: 71, 2: 56 battery_vp measures battery capacity indoor: 6000-4200; 0: 5640, 1: 5280, 2: 4920, 3: 4560 rain/outdoor: 6000-3600; 0: 5500, 1: 5000, 2: 4500, 3: 4000 wind: 6000-3950; 0: 5590, 1: 5180, 2: 4770, 3: 4360 """ # endpoints for the cloud queries NETATMO_URL = 'https://api.netatmo.net' AUTH_URL = '/oauth2/token' DATA_URL = '/api/getstationsdata' # mapping between observation name and function used to convert it CONVERSIONS = { 'Temperature': '_cvt_temperature', 'AbsolutePressure': '_cvt_pressure', 'Pressure': '_cvt_pressure', 'WindStrength': '_cvt_speed', 'GustStrength': '_cvt_speed', 'Rain': '_cvt_rain'} # list of source units we need to watch for UNITS = ['unit', 'windunit', 'pressureunit'] # these items are tracked from every module and every device DASHBOARD_ITEMS = [ 'Temperature', 'Humidity', 'AbsolutePressure', 'Pressure', 'CO2', 'Noise', 'Rain', 'sum_rain_24', 'sum_rain_1', 'WindStrength', 'WindAngle', 'GustStrength', 'GustAngle'] META_ITEMS = [ 'wifi_status', 'rf_status', 'battery_vp', 'co2_calibrating', '_id', 'module_name', 'last_status_store', 'last_seen', 'battery_percent', 'firmware', 'last_setup', 'last_upgrade', 'date_setup'] def __init__(self, username, password, client_id, client_secret, device_id=None, poll_interval=300, max_tries=3, retry_wait=30): self._poll_interval = poll_interval self._max_tries = max_tries self._retry_wait = retry_wait self._device_id = device_id self._auth = CloudClient.ClientAuth( username, password, client_id, client_secret) self._sd = CloudClient.StationData(self._auth) self._thread = None self._collect_data = False def collect_data(self): """Loop forever, wake up periodically to see if it is time to quit.""" last_poll = 0 while self._collect_data: now = int(time.time()) if now - last_poll > self._poll_interval: for tries in range(self._max_tries): try: CloudClient.get_data(self._sd, self._device_id) break except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError), e: logerr("failed attempt %s of %s to get data: %s" % (tries + 1, self._max_tries, e)) logdbg("waiting %s seconds before retry" % self._retry_wait) time.sleep(self._retry_wait) else: logerr("failed to get data after %d attempts" % self._max_tries) last_poll = now logdbg('next update in %s seconds' % self._poll_interval) time.sleep(1) @staticmethod def get_data(sd, device_id): """Query the server for each device and module, put data on queue""" raw_data = sd.get_data(device_id) units_dict = dict((x, raw_data['user']['administrative'][x]) for x in CloudClient.UNITS) logdbg('cloud units: %s' % units_dict) # i would prefer to do partial packets, but there is no guarantee that # the timestamps will not align. so aggregate into a single packet, # and let the driver figure out what timestamp it wants to put on it. alldata = dict() # single dict with all devices and modules for d in raw_data['devices']: data = CloudClient.extract_data(d, units_dict) data = CloudClient.apply_labels(data, d['_id'], d['type']) alldata.update(data) # Collector.queue.put(data) for m in d['modules']: data = CloudClient.extract_data(m, units_dict) data = CloudClient.apply_labels(data, m['_id'], m['type']) alldata.update(data) # Collector.queue.put(data) Collector.queue.put(alldata) @staticmethod def extract_data(x, units_dict): """Extract data we care about from a device or module""" data = {'time_utc': x['dashboard_data']['time_utc']} for n in CloudClient.META_ITEMS: if n in x: data[n] = x[n] for n in CloudClient.DASHBOARD_ITEMS: if n in x['dashboard_data']: data[n] = x['dashboard_data'][n] # do any unit conversions - everything converts to weewx.METRIC # it looks like all the data are METRIC even when netatmo units say otherwise # for n in data: # try: # func = CloudClient.CONVERSIONS.get(n) # if func: # data[n] = getattr(CloudClient, func)(data[n], units_dict) # except ValueError, e: # logerr("unit conversion failed for %s: %s" % (data[n], e)) # data[n] = None return data @staticmethod def apply_labels(data, xid, xtype): """Copy the data dict but use fully-qualified keys""" return dict(("%s.%s.%s" % (xid, xtype, n), data[n]) for n in data) # new_data = dict() # for n in data: # new_data["%s.%s.%s" % (xid, xtype, n)] = data[n] # return new_data @staticmethod def _cvt_pressure(x, from_unit_dict): # pressureunit: 0: mbar, 1: inHg, 2: mmHg if from_unit_dict['pressureunit'] == 1: x /= INHG_PER_MBAR elif from_unit_dict['pressureunit'] == 2: x /= INHG_PER_MBAR * 25.4 return x @staticmethod def _cvt_speed(x, from_unit_dict): # windunit: 0: kph, 1: mph, 2: m/s, 3: beafort, 4: knot if from_unit_dict['windunit'] == 1: x *= MPH_TO_KPH elif from_unit_dict['windunit'] == 2: x *= MPS_TO_KPH elif from_unit_dict['windunit'] == 3: x = BEAFORT_TO_KPH.get(x) elif from_unit_dict['windunit'] == 4: x *= KNOT_TO_KPH return x @staticmethod def _cvt_temperature(x, from_unit_dict): if from_unit_dict['unit'] == 1: x = weewx.wxformulas.FtoC(x) return x @staticmethod def _cvt_rain(x, from_unit_dict): # convert mm to cm since weewx METRIC wants cm return x * 0.1 def startup(self): """Start a thread that collects data from the netatmo servers.""" self._thread = CloudClient.CollectorThread(self) self._collect_data = True self._thread.start() def shutdown(self): """Tell the thread to stop, then wait for it to finish.""" if self._thread: self._collect_data = False self._thread.join() self._thread = None class CollectorThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, client): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.client = client self.name = 'netatmo-client' def run(self): self.client.collect_data() class ClientAuth(object): """Encapsulate the client authentication data and protocols. This object contains the username, password, client_id, and client_secret that are required to obtain authorization tokens from netatmo.com. It will re-query the netatmo server whenever the tokens have expired""" def __init__(self, username, password, client_id, client_secret): self._username = username self._password = password self._client_id = client_id self._client_secret = client_secret self._access_token = None self._refresh_token = None self._scope = None self._expiration = None def obtain_token(self): params = { 'grant_type': 'password', 'client_id': self._client_id, 'client_secret': self._client_secret, 'username': self._username, 'password': self._password, 'scope': 'read_station'} resp = CloudClient.post_request(CloudClient.AUTH_URL, params) self._access_token = resp['access_token'] self._refresh_token = resp['refresh_token'] self._scope = resp['scope'] self._expiration = int(resp['expire_in'] + time.time()) # clear credentials cache self._username = self._password = None @property def access_token(self): if self._access_token is None: self.obtain_token() if self._access_token is None: return None # FIXME: indicate failure if self._expiration < time.time(): params = { 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': self._refresh_token, 'client_id': self._client_id, 'client_secret': self._client_secret} resp = CloudClient.post_request(CloudClient.AUTH_URL, params) self._access_token = resp['access_token'] self._refresh_token = resp['refresh_token'] self._expiration = int(resp['expire_in'] + time.time()) return self._access_token class StationData(object): def __init__(self, auth): self._auth = auth self._last_update = 0 self._raw_data = dict() def get_data(self, device_id=None, stale=300): if int(time.time()) - self._last_update > stale: params = {'access_token': self._auth.access_token} if device_id: params['device_id'] = device_id resp = CloudClient.post_request(CloudClient.DATA_URL, params) self._raw_data = dict(resp['body']) self._last_update = int(time.time()) return self._raw_data @staticmethod def post_request(url, params): # netatmo response body size is limited to 64K url = CloudClient.NETATMO_URL + url params = urlencode(params) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=urf-8"} logdbg("url: %s data: %s hdr: %s" % (url, params, headers)) req = urllib2.Request(url=url, data=params, headers=headers) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req).read(65535) resp_obj = json.loads(resp) logdbg("resp_obj: %s" % resp_obj) return resp_obj class PacketSniffer(Collector): """listen for incoming packets then parse them. put result on queue.""" def startup(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass class Packet(object): _HDR = re.compile('(\d+).(\d+) IP (\S+) > (\S+):') _DATA = re.compile('0x00\d0: (.*)') def lines2packets(lines): pkts = [] ts = None src = None dst = None data = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() PacketSniffer.Packet._HDR.search(line) if m: ts = m.group(1) src = m.group(3) dst = m.group(4) data = [] pkts.append({'dateTime': ts, 'src': src, 'dst': dst, 'data': ''.join(data)}) continue PacketSniffer.Packet._DATA.search(line) if m: data.append(m.group(1)) continue return pkts @staticmethod def parse_data(data): pkt = dict() return pkt # To test this driver, do the following: # PYTHONPATH=bin python user/netatmo.py if __name__ == "__main__": usage = """%prog [options] [--help]""" def main(): import optparse syslog.openlog('wee_netatmo', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help='display driver version') parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='display diagnostic information while running') parser.add_option('--run-sniff-driver', dest='ts', action='store_true', help='run the driver in packet sniff mode') parser.add_option('--run-cloud-driver', dest='tc', action='store_true', help='run the driver in cloud client mode') parser.add_option('--test-parse', dest='tp', metavar='FILENAME', help='test the tcp packet parser') parser.add_option('--username', dest='username', metavar='USERNAME', help='username for cloud mode') parser.add_option('--password', dest='password', metavar='PASSWORD', help='password for cloud mode') parser.add_option('--client-id', dest='ci', metavar='CLIENT_ID', help='client_id for cloud mode') parser.add_option('--client-secret', dest='cs', metavar='CLIENT_SECRET', help='client_secret for cloud mode') parser.add_option('--get-stn-data', dest='sdata', action='store_true', help='get formatted station data from cloud') parser.add_option('--get-json-data', dest='jdata', action='store_true', help='get all cloud data as json response') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.debug: syslog.setlogmask(syslog.LOG_UPTO(syslog.LOG_DEBUG)) if opts.ts: run_packet_driver() if opts.tc: run_cloud_driver(opts.username, opts.password, opts.ci, opts.cs) if opts.tp: test_parse(options.tp) if opts.sdata: get_station_data(opts.username, opts.password, opts.ci, opts.cs) if opts.jdata: get_json_data(opts.username, opts.password, opts.ci, opts.cs) def run_sniff_driver(): import weeutil.weeutil driver = NetatmoDriver({'mode': 'sniff'}) for pkt in driver.genLoopPackets(): print weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(pkt['dateTime']), pkt def run_cloud_driver(username, password, c_id, c_secret): import weeutil.weeutil driver = None try: driver = NetatmoDriver(mode='cloud', username=username, password=password, client_id=c_id, client_secret=c_secret) for pkt in driver.genLoopPackets(): print weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(pkt['dateTime']), pkt except KeyboardInterrupt: driver.closePort() def get_station_data(username, password, c_id, c_secret): auth = CloudClient.ClientAuth(username, password, c_id, c_secret) sd = CloudClient.StationData(auth) ppv('station data', sd.get_data()) def get_json_data(username, password, c_id, c_secret): auth = CloudClient.ClientAuth(username, password, c_id, c_secret) params = {'access_token': auth.access_token, 'app_type': 'app_station'} reply = CloudClient.post_request(CloudClient.DATA_URL, params) print json.dumps(reply, sort_keys=True, indent=2) def test_parse(filename): lines = [] with open(filename, "r") as f: while f: lines.append(f.readline()) print PacketSniffer.Packet.lines2packets(''.join(lines)) def ppv(label, x, level=0): """pretty-print a variable, recursing if it is a dict""" indent = ' ' if type(x) is dict: print "%s%s" % (indent * level, label) for n in x: ppv(n, x[n], level=level+1) elif type(x) is list: print "%s[" % (indent * level) for i, y in enumerate(x): ppv("%s %s" % (label, i), y, level=level+1) print "%s]" % (indent * level) else: print "%s%s=%s" % (indent * level, label, x) main()