#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 Matthew Wall # # Thanks to phillippe larduinat for publishing lnetatmo.py # https://github.com/philippelt/netatmo-api-python # # Shame on netatmo for making it very difficult to get data from the hardware # without going through their servers. from __future__ import with_statement import Queue import json import re import socket import syslog import threading import time from urllib import urlencode import urllib2 import weewx.drivers import weewx.engine import weewx.units DRIVER_NAME = 'Netatmo' DRIVER_VERSION = "0.2" def logmsg(level, msg): syslog.syslog(level, 'netatmo: %s: %s' % (threading.currentThread().getName(), msg)) def logdbg(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg) def loginf(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg) def logerr(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg) def loader(config_dict, engine): return NetatmoDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME]) class NetatmoDriver(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice): # map from netatmo names to database schema names DEFAULT_SENSOR_MAP = { 'pressure': 'pressure', 'temperature_in': 'inTemp', 'humidity_in': 'inHumidity', 'temperature_out': 'outTemp', 'humidity_out': 'outHumidity', 'temperature_1': 'extraTemp1', 'humidity_1': 'extraHumid1', 'temperature_2': 'extraTemp2', 'humidity_2': 'extraHumid2', 'temperature_3': 'extraTemp3', 'humidity_3': 'extraHumid3', 'wind_speed': 'windSpeed', 'wind_dir': 'windDir', 'rain': 'rain', 'co2': 'co2', 'noise': 'noise'} def __init__(self, **stn_dict): loginf("driver version is %s" % DRIVER_VERSION) self.sensor_map = stn_dict.get('sensor_map', NetatmoDriver.DEFAULT_SENSOR_MAP) mode = stn_dict.get('mode', 'cloud') self.max_tries = int(stn_dict.get('max_tries', 5)) self.retry_wait = int(stn_dict.get('retry_wait', 10)) # seconds self.poll_interval = int(stn_dict.get('poll_interval', 600)) # seconds timeout = int(stn_dict.get('timeout', 3)) port = int(stn_dict.get('port', 4200)) addr = stn_dict.get('host', '') if mode == 'sniff': self.collector = PacketSniffer(addr, port) else: self.collector = CloudClient() self.collector.startup() def closePort(self): self.collector.shutdown() @property def hardware_name(self): return DRIVER_NAME def genLoopPackets(self): while True: try: data = self.collector.queue.get(True, 10) pkt = self.data_to_packet(data) if pkt: yield pkt except Queue.Empty: logdbg('empty queue') def data_to_packet(data): # convert netatmo data to format, units, and scaling for database packet = {'dateTime': int(time.time() + 0.5), 'usUnits': weewx.METRIC} for n in data: if n in self.sensor_map: packet[sensor_map[n]] = data[n] return packet class Collector(object): queue = Queue.Queue() def startup(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass class CloudClient(Collector): """Poll the netatmo servers for data. Put the result on the queue. The netatmo server provides the following data: """ NETATMO_URL = 'https://api.netatmo.net/' AUTH_URL = NETATMO_URL + 'oauth2/token' GETUSER_URL = NETATMO_URL + 'api/getuser' DEVICELIST_URL = NETATMO_URL + 'api/devicelist' GETMEASURE_URL = NETATMO_URL + 'api/getmeasure' def __init__(self, poll_interval): self._poll_interval = poll_interval def startup(self): auth = ClientAuth(client_id, client_secret, username, password) devices = DeviceList(auth) while True: latest = devices.last_data() logdbg('latest: %s' % latest) Collector.queue.put(latest) time.sleep(self._poll_interval) class ClientAuth(object): def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, username, password): params = { 'grant_type': 'password', 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'scope': 'read_station'} resp = CloudClient.post_request(self.AUTH_URL, params) self._client_id = client_id self._client_secret = client_secret self._access_token = resp['access_token'] self._refresh_token = resp['refresh_token'] self._scope = resp['scope'] self._expiration = int(resp['expire_in'] + time.time()) @property def access_token(self): if self._expiration < time.time(): params = { 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': self._refresh_token, 'client_id': self._client_id, 'client_secret': self._client_secret} resp = CloudClient.post_request(self.AUTH_URL, params) self._access_token = resp['access_token'] self._refresh_token = resp['refresh_token'] self._expiration = int(resp['expire_in'] + time.time()) class User(object): def __init__(self, auth_data): params = { 'access_token': auth_data.access_token} resp = CloudClient.post_request(GETUSER_URL, params) self._raw_data = resp['body'] self._id = self._raw_data['_id'] self._devices = self._raw_data['devices'] self._ownermail = self._raw_data['mail'] class DeviceList(object): def __init__(self, auth_data): self._token = auth_data.access_token params = { 'access_token': self._token, 'app_type': 'app_station'} resp = CloudClient.post_request(DEVICELIST_URL, params) self._raw_data = resp['body'] self._statiosn = {d['_id'] : d for d in self._raw_data['devices']} self._modules = {m['_id'] : m for m in self._raw_data['modules']} self._default = list(self._stations.values())[0]['station_name'] def module_names(self, station=None): res = [m['module_name'] for m in self._modules.values()] res.append(self.station_by_name(station)['module_name']) return res def station_by_name(self, station=None): if not station: station = self._default_station for i, s in self._stations.items(): if s['station_name'] == station: return self._stations[i] return None def station_by_id(self, sid): return None if sid not in self._stations else self._stations[sid] def module_by_name(self, module, station=None): s = None if station: s = self.station_by_name(station) if not s: return None for m in self._modules: mod = self._modules[m] if mod['module_name'] == module: if not s or mod['main_device'] == s['_id']: return mod return None def module_by_id(self, mid, sid=None): s = self.station_by_id(sid) if sid else None if mid in self._modules: if not s or self.modules[mid]['main_device'] == s['_id']: return self.modules[mid] return None def get_measure(self, device_id, scale, mtype, module_id=None, date_begin=None, date_end=None, limit=None, optimize=False, real_time=False): params = { 'access_token': self._token, 'device_id': device_id, 'scale': scale, 'type', mtype, 'optimize': 'true' if optimize else 'false', 'real_time': 'true' if real_time else 'false'} if module_id: params['module_id'] = module_id if date_begin: params['date_begin'] = date_begin if date_end: params['date_end'] = date_end if limit: params['limit'] = limit return CloudClient.post_request(GETMEASURE_URL, params) def last_data(self, station=None, exclude=0): s = self.station_by_name(station) if not s: return None data = dict() limit = (time.time() - exclue) if exclude else 0 ds = s['dashboard_data'] if ds['time_utc'] > limit: data[s['module_name']] = ds.copy() data[s['module_name']]['When'] = data[s['module_name']].pop('time_utc') data[s['module_name']]['wifi_status'] = s['wifi_status'] for mid in s['modules']: ds = self._modules[mid]['dashboard_data'] if ds['time_utc'] > limit: mod = self._modules[mid] data[mod['module_name']] = ds.copy() data[mod['module_name']]['When'] = data[mod['module_name']].pop('time_utc') for i in ('battery_vp', 'rf_status'): if i in mod: data[mod['module_name']][i] = mod[i] return data @staticmethod def post_request(url, params): # netatmo response body size is limited to 64K params = urlencode(params) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=urf-8"} req = urllib2.Request(url=url, data=params, headers=headers) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req).read(65535) return json.loads(resp) class PacketSniffer(Collector): """listen for incoming packets then parse them. put result on queue.""" def startup(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass class TCPPacket(object): _HDR = re.compile('(\d+).(\d+) IP (\S+) > (\S+):') _DATA = re.compile('0x00\d0: (.*)') def lines2packets(lines): pkts = [] ts = None src = None dst = None data = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() TCPPacket._HDR.search(line) if m: ts = m.group(1) src = m.group(3) dst = m.group(4) data = [] pkts.append({'dateTime': ts, 'src': src, 'dst': dst, 'data': ''.join(data)}) continue TCPPacket._DATA.search(line) if m: data.append(m.group(1)) continue return pkts @staticmethod def parse_data(data): pkt = dict() return pkt # To test this driver, do the following: # PYTHONPATH=bin python user/netatmo.py if __name__ == "__main__": usage = """%prog [options] [--help]""" def main(): import optparse syslog.openlog('wee_netatmo', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--test-sniff', dest='ts', action='store_true', help='test the driver in packet sniff mode') parser.add_option('--test-cloud', dest='tc', action='store_true', help='test the driver in cloud client mode') parser.add_option('--test-parse', dest='tp', action='store_true', help='test the parser') parser.add_option('--username', dest='username', metavar='USERNAME', help='username for cloud mode') parser.add_option('--password', dest='password', metavar='PASSWORD', help='password for cloud mode') parser.add_option('--get-cloud_data', dest='data', action='store_true', help='get all cloud data') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.ts: test_packet_driver() if opts.tc: test_cloud_driver(opts.username, opts.password) if opts.tp: test_parse() def test_sniff_driver(): import weeutil.weeutil driver = NetatmoDriver({'mode': 'sniff'}) for pkt in driver.genLoopPackets(): print weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(pkt['dateTime']), pkt def test_cloud_driver(username, password): import weeutil.weeutil driver = NetatmoDriver({'mode': 'cloud', 'username': username, 'password': password}) for pkt in driver.genLoopPackets(): print weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(pkt['dateTime']), pkt def get_cloud_data(username, password): auth = CloudClient.ClientAuth(username, password) devices = CloudClient.DeviceList(auth) for module, module_data in devices.last_data(exclue=3600).items(): print module for sensor, value in module_data.items(): if sensor == 'When': value = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(value)) print "%30s: %s" % (sensor, value) def test_parse(): tcp_lines = """1450840574.054884 IP > b31.netatmo.net.25050: P 52:56(4) ack 33 win 2968 0x0000: 4500 002c 7ba7 0000 fe06 f2f2 0a01 0a0b 0x0010: 3ed2 fb53 dbd8 61da f828 80ee d800 3574 0x0020: 5018 0b98 1bbe 0000 7601 0000 0000 1450840574.153985 IP b31.netatmo.net.25050 > P 33:37(4) ack 56 win 29200 0x0000: 4520 002c da5b 4000 3406 1e1f 3ed2 fb53 0x0010: 0a01 0a0b 61da dbd8 d800 3574 f828 80f2 0x0020: 5018 7210 cb42 0000 6000 0000 0000 1450840574.262671 IP > b31.netatmo.net.25050: P 56:202(146) ack 37 win 2964 0x0000: 4500 00ba c99d 0000 fe06 a46e 0a01 0a0b 0x0010: 3ed2 fb53 dbd8 61da f828 80f2 d800 3578 0x0020: 5018 0b94 3750 0000 6100 2500 c210 7a56 0x0030: 3730 3a65 653a 3530 3a30 363a 3834 3a37 0x0040: 3200 da00 0137 0fa5 2703 d227 0731 05b7 0x0050: 0761 1450840574.363385 IP b31.netatmo.net.25050 > P 37:41(4) ack 202 win 30016 0x0000: 4520 002c da5c 4000 3406 1e1e 3ed2 fb53 0x0010: 0a01 0a0b 61da dbd8 d800 3578 f828 8184 0x0020: 5018 7540 217d 0000 0600 0000 0000 1450840574.464212 IP > b31.netatmo.net.25050: P 202:443(241) ack 41 win 2960 0x0000: 4500 0119 25c4 0000 fe06 47e9 0a01 0a0b 0x0010: 3ed2 fb53 dbd8 61da f828 8184 d800 357c 0x0020: 5018 0b90 132d 0000 1000 0100 0507 00e8 0x0030: 002b 0100 0000 0032 3032 3a30 303a 3030 0x0040: 3a30 363a 3836 3a32 3836 a615 0000 2b00 0x0050: e811 1450840574.568157 IP b31.netatmo.net.25050 > P 41:45(4) ack 443 win 31088 0x0000: 4520 002c da5d 4000 3406 1e1d 3ed2 fb53 0x0010: 0a01 0a0b 61da dbd8 d800 357c f828 8275 0x0020: 5018 7970 1a58 0000 0800 0000 0000 1450840574.666496 IP > b31.netatmo.net.25050: P 443:447(4) ack 45 win 2956 0x0000: 4500 002c 4bce 0000 fe06 22cc 0a01 0a0b 0x0010: 3ed2 fb53 dbd8 61da f828 8275 d800 3580 0x0020: 5018 0b8c 8738 0000 0900 0000 0000 1450840574.770808 IP b31.netatmo.net.25050 > F 45:45(0) ack 447 win 31088 0x0000: 4520 0028 da5e 4000 3406 1e20 3ed2 fb53 0x0010: 0a01 0a0b 61da dbd8 d800 3580 f828 8279 0x0020: 5011 7970 225b 0000 0000 0000 0000 1450840574.870753 IP > b31.netatmo.net.25050: . ack 46 win 2955 0x0000: 4500 0028 7d95 0000 fe06 f108 0a01 0a0b 0x0010: 3ed2 fb53 dbd8 61da f828 8279 d800 3581 0x0020: 5010 0b8b 9040 0000 0000 0000 0000 1450840574.871685 IP > b31.netatmo.net.25050: F 447:447(0) ack 46 win 2955 0x0000: 4500 0028 0a80 0000 fe06 641e 0a01 0a0b 0x0010: 3ed2 fb53 dbd8 61da f828 8279 d800 3581 0x0020: 5011 0b8b 903f 0000 0000 0000 0000 1450840574.976182 IP b31.netatmo.net.25050 > . ack 448 win 31088 0x0000: 4520 0028 cf38 4000 3406 2946 3ed2 fb53 0x0010: 0a01 0a0b 61da dbd8 d800 3581 f828 827a 0x0020: 5010 7970 225a 0000 0000 0000 0000""" print TCPPacket.lines2packets(tcp_lines) main()