Public Class frmMain Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'comboPeriod.SelectedItem = "2 weeks (default)" dateCalendar.TodayDate = Now comboCutoff.SelectedItem = "no" End Sub Private Sub buttonGenerateText_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles buttonGenerateText.Click If txtNickname.Text = Nothing Then MsgBox("You must submit a username!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub ElseIf dateCalendar.SelectionRange.End = Nothing Then MsgBox("You must select a valid trial period!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub ElseIf comboCutoff.Text = Nothing Then MsgBox("You must provide a valid cutoff time!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub End If frmResult.Show() 'Me.Hide() Dim sNickname As String = txtNickname.Text Dim sCutoff As String = comboCutoff.SelectedItem Dim sWeek As String = "" If lblWeeks.Text = "(need update)" Then sWeek = lblPeriod.Text Else sWeek = lblWeeks.Text End If Dim sPeriodDays As String = lblPeriod.Text Dim sPeriodFrom As String = lblPeriod2.Text ' den ganzen text einfügen mit den neuen variablen frmResult.TextBox1.Text = "" frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("Hi there " + sNickname + "!" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("You are now officially on a " + sWeek + " trial starting on " + Format(dateCalendar.SelectionRange.Start, "dd.MM.yyyy") + " (Expected end date: " + Format(dateCalendar.SelectionRange.End, "dd.MM.yyyy") + ")." + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("It is time for you to put on your WiWR (mind the R<--) tags." + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("During this " + sWeek + " week trial we, the recruitment team, expect you to stay active in both our forum and server." + vbNewLine) Dim datePeriod As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dateCalendar.SelectionRange.Start, dateCalendar.SelectionRange.End) If datePeriod > 10 Then Dim dateWeeks As Long = datePeriod / 7 If sCutoff = "yes" Then Dim iCutoff As Integer = Int(dateWeeks) - 1 frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("Note: being an active soldier might result in having your trial cut by 1 week, meaning your trial ends after " + iCutoff.ToString + " week(s)." + vbNewLine) End If 'Else ' If sCutoff = "yes" Then 'MsgBox("Cutoff not possible!" + vbNewLine + "Not enough days.", MsgBoxStyle.Information) 'On Error Resume Next 'End If End If frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("If for some reason you are away during your trial please let us know (for example work, holidays or school)." + vbNewLine + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("You also have to apply for this platoon:" + vbNewLine + "Its the official recruitment platoon." + vbNewLine + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("Good luck on the trial, greetings" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "Recruitment team" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("If for some reason you have any questions/problems feel free to ask them here, in the Recruits+ forum, on battlelog, on Teamspeak or on X-Fire!" + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("The Recruits+ forum is only visible to Recruits and clan members. No public visitor will ever see that section." + vbNewLine + vbNewLine) frmResult.TextBox1.AppendText("Recruits+:" + vbNewLine + "X-Fire:" + vbNewLine + "TS3:" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "Good luck!") Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub buttonResetForm_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles buttonResetForm.Click txtNickname.Text = Nothing dateCalendar.TodayDate = Now comboCutoff.SelectedItem = "no" End Sub Private Sub dateCalendar_DateChanged(sender As Object, e As DateRangeEventArgs) Handles dateCalendar.DateChanged Dim datePeriod As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dateCalendar.SelectionRange.Start, dateCalendar.SelectionRange.End) lblPeriod.Text = datePeriod & " day(s)" If datePeriod > 0 Then Dim dateWeeks As Long = datePeriod / 7 If dateWeeks > 0 Then lblWeeks.Text = dateWeeks & " week(s)" End If End If lblPeriod2.Text = Format(dateCalendar.SelectionRange.Start, "dd.MM.yyyy") & " - " & Format(dateCalendar.SelectionRange.End, "dd.MM.yyyy") 'Generate Button Freigabe buttonGenerateText.Enabled = True buttonGenerateText.Text = "Generate Text" End Sub Private Sub linkBugreport_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles linkBugreport.LinkClicked ' On Error GoTo ShowError 'Select Case MessageBox.Show("You will now be taken to the Wake Island Warriors website" & vbNewLine & "to send me a private message." & vbNewLine & "Please use a crucial subject line!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please also note, the more information I get about an error," & vbNewLine & "the easier it will be to fix it.", "You are beeing forwarded", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information) ' Case Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel ' Exit Sub 'End Select System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") linkBugreport.LinkVisited = True Exit Sub ShowError: MessageBox.Show(Err.Description, "An error occured", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End Sub End Class