* **qslmsg** QSL Messages valid for the entire log can be entered in the header section of the log. It is not mandatory.
* **qslmsg** QSL Messages valid for the entire log can be entered in the header section of the log. It is not mandatory.
* **mywwff** The mywwff keyword is used to register your own WWFF reference number in WWFF Logging. See also chapter WWFF logging. The syntax is: AAFF-CCCC: AA = national prefix, CCCC = 4-digit numeric code (e.g. ONFF-0001).
* **mywwff** The mywwff keyword is used to register your own WWFF reference number in WWFF Logging. See also chapter WWFF logging. The syntax is: AAFF-CCCC: AA = national prefix, CCCC = 4-digit numeric code (e.g. ONFF-0001).
* **mysota** The mysota keyword is used to register your own SOTA reference number in SOTA Logging. The syntax is: AA/NN-CCC: Association/Name-3-digit numeric Code (e.g. G/CE-001). Your own SOTA reference number is mandatory for SOTA Logging.
* **mysota** The mysota keyword is used to register your own SOTA reference number in SOTA Logging. The syntax is: AA/NN-CCC: Association/Name-3-digit numeric Code (e.g. G/CE-001). Your own SOTA reference number is mandatory for SOTA Logging.
* **mypota** This registers your POTA reference for POTA logging. POTA is (March 2024) transitioning their references to use ISO country codes. The syntax is AA-##### where AA is an ISO country code and ##### is a 4 to 5 digit number.
* **nickname** The nickname keyword can be used for eQSL ADIF uploads. See chapter Uploading logs to eQSL.cc.
* **nickname** The nickname keyword can be used for eQSL ADIF uploads. See chapter Uploading logs to eQSL.cc.
* **date** The date format is year-month-day (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2016-12-31. Year, month and day may be abbreviated and you may use separators other than dash.
* **date** The date format is year-month-day (YYYY-MM-DD), e.g. 2016-12-31. Year, month and day may be abbreviated and you may use separators other than dash.
* **mycounty** This is field will populate the <MY_CNTY> tag in your ADIF. It may contain spaces. (e.g. mycounty WY,Laramie County)
* **mylat** This field takes your decimal degrees lattitude and populates the adif <MY_LAT> tag.
* **mylon** This field takes your decimal degrees longitutde and populates the adif <MY_LON> tag.
## Validations
## Validations
* call
* call
* mypota - Any combination of values 0-9 or A-Z one to five times, a dash, and 0-9 four to five times. e.g. US-0609