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My Dev Environment Files 🚀
IMPORTANT: These are primarily meant for inspiration. I wouldn't just blindly use them. Proceed at your own risk!
📹 Youtube Playlist With Detailed Walkthroughs on My Setup: 💻 My Dev Environment & Workflow
Terminal Setup
✍🏼 Blog Post Step-by-Step Guide: How To Setup Your Mac Terminal
📹 Youtube Guide: How To Make Your Boring Mac Terminal So Much Better
Relevant Files
- .zshrc - Zsh Shell Configuration
- coolnight.itermcolors - iTerm2 Color Scheme
Neovim Setup
💡 Pro Tip: I highly recommend following along with me on youtube and use the repo as reference to set up the config. You'll understand everything a lot better and be able to change things and evolve the setup into your own!
There's also an error with nvim-ts-autotag on first startup if you just copy the .config/nvim directory into your machine. It should be fixed if you restart nvim afterwards.
📹 Youtube Step-by-Step Guide: How I Setup Neovim On My Mac To Make It Amazing
- True Color Terminal Like: iTerm2
- Neovim (Version 0.8 or Later)
- Nerd Font - I use Meslo Nerd Font
- Ripgrep - For Telescope Fuzzy Finder
If you're on mac, like me, you can install iTerm2, Neovim and Ripgrep with homebrew.
brew install --cask iterm2
brew install neovim
brew install ripgrep
Relevant Files
Plugin Manager
- wbthomason/packer - Popular plugin manager
Dependency For Other Plugins
- nvim-lua/plenary - Useful lua functions other plugins use
Preferred Colorscheme
Navigating Between Neovim Windows and Tmux
- tpope/vim-surround - manipulate surroundings with "ys", "ds", and "cs"
- vim-scripts/ReplaceWithRegister - replace things with register with "gr"
- numToStr/Comment.nvim - toggle comments with "gc"
File Explorer
VS Code Like Icons
Status Line
Fuzzy Finder
- nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim - Dependency for better performance
- nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim - Fuzzy Finder
- hrsh7th/nvim-cmp - Completion plugin
- hrsh7th/cmp-buffer - Completion source for text in current buffer
- hrsh7th/cmp-path - Completion source for file system paths
- L3MON4D3/LuaSnip - Snippet engine
- rafamadriz/friendly-snippets - Useful snippets for different languages
- saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip - Completion source for snippet autocomplete
Managing & Installing Language Servers, Linters & Formatters
LSP Configuration
- williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim - Bridges gap b/w mason & lspconfig
- neovim/nvim-lspconfig - Easy way to configure lsp servers
- hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp - Smart code autocompletion with lsp
- glepnir/lspsaga.nvim - Enhanced uis for lsp
- jose-elias-alvarez/typescript.nvim - Additional functionality for typescript server
- onsails/lspkind.nvim - Vs Code Like Icons for autocompletion
Formatting & Linting
- jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim - Easy way to configure formatters & linters
- jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim - Bridges gap b/w mason & null-ls
Syntax Highlighting & Autoclosing Things
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter - Treesitter configuration
- windwp/nvim-autopairs - Autoclose brackets, parens, quotes, etc...
- windwp/nvim-ts-autotag - Autoclose tags
- lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim - Show line modifications on left hand side