@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
title: MMDVM hotspot on Archlinux
title: MMDVM hotspot on Archlinux
summary: On a Raspberry Pi 2
summary: I wrote down the installation of a forked DStarGateway with a slim
date: 2024-01-28T10:10:11+0000
dashboard based on Javascript on a Raspberry Pi 2.
lastmod: 2024-01-28T20:50:19+0000
date: 2024-01-28T23:12:00+0100
- amateur-radio
- amateur-radio
@ -247,74 +248,89 @@ $ sudo systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
Open `/boot/cmdline.txt` and remove `console=serial0,115200` from the line. Save
Open `/boot/cmdline.txt` and remove `console=serial0,115200` from the line. Save
and reboot.
and reboot.
Another problem occurs, I will probably have to flash an actual firmware to the modem.
## Configuration
### DStarGateway
E: Received a NAK to the SET_CONFIG command from the modem
I: MMDVMHost-20240126 exited on receipt of an unknown signal
But we need another compiler. I install [paru](https://github.com/morganamilo/paru)
### MMDVMHost
to get that compiler with its dependencies.
The installation of paru is very easy:
### dgwtimeserver
## Install a dashboard
$ sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git
$ cd paru
$ makepkg -si
I will install the [dashboard from John Hays (K7VE)](https://github.com/johnhays/dsgwdashboard)
$ paru -Syu
as my first look at it looked promising (using Javascript (which is executed
$ paru -S arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
on the client and not the server) may reduce the load on the webserver).
[Past installations of dashboards]({{< ref "/posts/2022/26-raspberry-pi-4-64bit-dual-hat-hotspot-without-pi-star" >}})
did usually include a form of request limitation because the many websocket requests
Oh hell, this is going to take ages on the Raspberry Pi 2...
of other dashboards put too much pressure on the small Raspberry Pies :exploding_head:
Meanwhile on my main laptop:
I will not install this as per instructions, because I don't like when these kind
of applications (simple dashboards for example) have to be run as the _root_ user.
I will therefore create a new user called _dashboard_ as which the "webserver"
(which is a NodeJS application) will run.
I thought I might try to compile it on my main machine and just do the installation
We need a few packages for this:
on the Raspberry Pi 2 as the compilation is still running (5½ hours later).
$ sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib
$ sudo pacman -S nodejs npm
$ git clone git@github.com:g4klx/MMDVM_HS.git
$ scp raspi2:git/MMDVM_HS/Config.h .
$ make
I got some errors about `usbserial` or `USBSerial::begin()`. A short research
Create and impersonate our new user:
suggested a `depmod -a` and you know what, it compilled.
Well, I had to run it as _root_.
$ sudo useradd --user-group -m --system dashboard --shell /bin/bash
$ sudo su - dashboard
Now it is time to put the compiled firmware to the Raspi and install it.
Now we are the user _dashboard_ and we will install the dashboard:
$ scp bin/mmdvm_f1.bin bin/mmdvm_f1.elf bin/mmdvm_f1.hex raspi2:git/MMDVM_HS/bin/
$ git@github.com:johnhays/dsgwdashboard.git
$ cd dsgwdashboard
$ node -v
$ npm install -save
Back on the Raspi: the installation won't work as there is no stm32flash installed. Huh?
Create and install some self-signed certificates into the `dsgwdashboard`
Oh well, I could not find it in any repository. The AUR website has a package, but I
directory because the server needs them to start. I personally would like
can't find it with pacman or paru. So we install by hand again:
to have the possibility to only serve the pages via plain old HTTP
(without SSL/TLS) because I run most of my pages through a reverse-proxy
that takes care of all the certification.
Next we will modify the `dashboard.ini` file because we will change the
$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/stm32flash.git
port from 443 to 8443. Why? Because[^1]!
$ cd stm32flash
$ makepkg -si
sudo pacman -S libgpiod
{{< alert circle-info >}}
This might be confusing now, the host above does not listen to port 8443 because
there is a reverse-proxy in-between (and actually a firewall/router too).
{{< /alert >}}
And again, back in the firmware repository at `~/git/MMDVM_HS`:
The actual path of this host and how it will be routed:
User (internet) ⇒ router:443 (hotspot.oe7drt.net) ⇒ reverse-proxy:443 (internal-server.lan) ⇒ hotspot:8443 (internal-raspi.lan)
We will disable the shell for the _dashboard_ user because we normally
won't have to login as _dashboard_ user again.
$ sudo make mmdvm_hs_hat
$ sudo chsh -s /bin/false dashboard
[^1]: Ports below <kbd>1024</kbd> can only be used as the _root_ user. Those are socalled
[privileged ports](https://www.w3.org/Daemon/User/Installation/PrivilegedPorts.html).
To run the program as non-root user we need to set the port to something
above <kbd>1024</kbd>.
## DSTAR Registration
## DSTAR Registration
A DSTAR registration is mandatory if you want to be transmitted on
A DSTAR registration is mandatory if you want to be transmitted on