@ -77,9 +77,15 @@ Following some screenshots showing my settings for ARDOP:
![screenshot of the Winlink TNC settings](ardop-tnc-settings.png "Settings within a ARDOP Winlink session")
![screenshot of the Winlink Radio settings](ardop-winlink-settings.png "Radio settings within a ARDOP Winlink session -- I use a Lab599 Discovery TX-500 (with Lab599 as the CAT option)")
Set the desired drive level within these settings. I usually have to set it to <kbd>87</kbd>-<kbd>88</kbd>.
![screenshot of the ARDOP settings](ardop-tnc.png "And finally the ARDOP settings -- I usually set the Drive Level to something like 87-88 but it never gets saved...")
![screenshot of the Winlink Radio settings](ardop-winlink-settings.png "Radio settings within a ARDOP Winlink session")
I use a Lab599 Discovery TX-500 (with Lab599 as the CAT option).
I also use a Digirig and I can therefore use the COM port to trigger the PTT function.
![screenshot of the ARDOP settings](ardop-tnc.png "And finally the ARDOP settings")