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OpenBSD notes 2023-11-14T09:31:48+0100
false false false true true true

These are random notes -- more or less about OpenBSD. Some may not fit here well, but they could relate to OpenBSD or similar operating systems in some way...

Get some filesystem information

$ dumpfs /dev/rsd1a
magic	19540119 (FFS2)	time	Thu Nov 16 21:14:34 2023
[...] (snip; lots of output...)

This can be helpful if you want to know, which filesystem you actually use on your OpenBSD box.



Install python modules with pip.

$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade ${example_module}


Cloudlog (server)

Cloudlog is a webapplication written in PHP that allows ham radio amateurs to log contacts online. I host my own instance on my server and I finally looked into why I never got satellites shown in SAT Timers.

I use php-fpm and it is running as the user www. It is kind of jailed and it cannot read /etc/ssl/cert.pem -- so the https connections cannot be verified and it failes at downloading the satellites infos from other websites.

I solved this by copying /etc/ssl to /var/www/etc/ssl via rsync, keeping file permissions intact. I may setup a cronjob for this maybe.

$ cd /var/www
$ doas rsync -avhzrp /etc/ssl/ etc/ssl
sending incremental file list
created directory etc/ssl

sent 155.82K bytes  received 133 bytes  311.90K bytes/sec
total size is 344.08K  speedup is 2.21
$ doas rcctl restart php80_fpm

Cloudlog (client)

Use of the online logging tool Cloudlog on my OpenBSD machine.

First off, connect the TX-500 with the computer (CAT cable) and start rigctld:

$ rigctld -m 2014 -r /dev/cuaU0 -s 9600 -v

I use 2014 which is actually a Kenwood TS-2000 -- but on OpenBSD hamlib is currently at version 4.4 and the TX-500 is only available on version ≥4.5.

For newer hamlib versions (≥4.5) use the rig 2050 like:

$ rigctld -m 2050 -r /dev/cuaU0 -s 9600 -v

On another terminal start cloudlogbashcat.sh:

$ cloudlogbashcat.sh

Now, if you open the website of your Cloudlog installation (and if you have setup your rigs) and select the radio that uses cloudlogbashcat.

cloudlog radio selection dialog


Where is this alias defined?

I defined an alias ls but I forgot where it was.

$ PS4='+%x:%I>' zsh -i -x -c '' |& grep ls

There will be a lot of screen output probably.

Renaming multiple directories

$ count=1; zmv -n '*' '$f[1,4]/$((count++))-$f[12,-1]'
mv -- 2023-08-05-problems-with-apt-keys-on-my-hotspots 2023/51-problems-with-apt-keys-on-my-hotspots
mv -- 2023-08-26-dmrhost-on-a-raspberrypi4-with-openbsd-or-freebsd 2023/52-dmrhost-on-a-raspberrypi4-with-openbsd-or-freebsd
mv -- 2023-09-16-openbsd-current-built-from-source 2023/53-openbsd-current-built-from-source

Moves subdirectories into other folder structure with a counting variable.

$ count=16; zmv -Q '*(/)' '$((count++))-$f[12,-1]'
mv -- 2021-08-08-win10-grub2-and-uefi 16-win10-grub2-and-uefi
mv -- 2021-08-12-running-n1mm-logger-on-linux 17-running-n1mm-logger-on-linux
mv -- 2021-10-03-winlink-and-vara-on-linux 18-winlink-and-vara-on-linux
mv -- 2021-10-03-wordlist-generation 19-wordlist-generation
mv -- 2021-10-26-processes-accessing-mountpoints 20-processes-accessing-mountpoints

That was the second part, counting from where we stopped from the previous directory.

There was a draft post left in 2022 which I deleted, now I had to renumber the folders from 28-* to 34- to a number lower by 1.

$ for i in {29..34}; do zmv -n -W $i'*' $((--i))'*'; done
mv -- 29-using-nfs-on-a-raspberry-pi 28-using-nfs-on-a-raspberry-pi
mv -- 30-vpn-tunnel-into-hamnet-on-fedora-36 29-vpn-tunnel-into-hamnet-on-fedora-36
mv -- 31-winlink-on-linux-fix-invalid-handle-on-logfiles 30-winlink-on-linux-fix-invalid-handle-on-logfiles
mv -- 32-hamnet-on-the-pfsense 31-hamnet-on-the-pfsense
mv -- 33-changing-network-metrics-on-linux 32-changing-network-metrics-on-linux
mv -- 34-change-git-submodule-url 33-change-git-submodule-url

So, there is still one post left that is actually a draft post and I'd like to remove the leading number from that directory.

$ zmv -n -W '59-*' '*'
mv -- 59-pat-winlink-on-openbsd pat-winlink-on-openbsd