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Change The Bands In Your Anytone Codeplug If you can't change the band edges on your Anytone radio, change the band setting in the codeplug.

This is as simple and straight-forward as it could be.

Let's do it

Press and hold down PTT and 1 while turning on your radio to change the bands on your Anytone handheld (tested on my D878UV+). To change them, turn the channel knob and power the radio off when it shows the desired limits.

But I've read on social media (Telegram) that some people were not able to change their bands---mostly users of mobile radios. In this conversation Arnold, OE1IAH shared his work-around for this.

He just changed the 17th byte in the codeplug file so the bands in the codeplug matched the bands used on the radio.

I use Linux on my computers so I usually have such tools installed already:

$ printf '\x03' | dd of=codeplug.rdt bs=1 seek=17 count=1 conv=notrunc

Why would you need this?

In Austria many of us use the website dmraustria.at. The codeplug for a Anytone radio had the bands set to 0 while some OMs could not change the bands on their radios so the CPS did not let them write the codeplug to the radio.

With this method you can change the bands in the codeplug so you can write the codeplug to your radio even if you did not change the bands to 0.

Bands settings

Setting Frequencies Description
0 136-174 / 400-480 Commercial Europe Mode 000000
1 136-17d4 / 400-480 Commercial US Mode 000001
3 144-146 / 430-440 Amateur Europe Mode 000003
7 144-148 / 420-450 Amateur US Mode 000007
8 136-174 / 400-470 Commercial Mode 000008
10 144-148 / 430-450 Amateur Australia/Canada Mode 000010
13 136-174 / 403-470 Commercial Mode 000013
16 144-147 / 430-440 Amateur Thailand Mode 000016
17 136-174 / 430-440 Commercial Thailand Mode 000017