990 B
990 B
title | summary | date | lastmod | showBreadcrumbs | showReadingTime | showWordCount | draft |
Homebrew 20m Dipole | 2023-04-23T08:51:00+02:00 | true | false | false | true |
Beside some other little tryouts this is probably the first antenna that I built myself. It works without a tuner (depending on the actual position of the antenna).
My first contact with this antenna was into Israel (~2629 km) with my older FT-891. It was contest time and I actually replied to a contest station because I thought nobody would hear me because of my crappy antenna but I found myself picked up by that contest station from Israel.
The resulting report of 59 would not mean anything but at least I knew the antenna was working just fine.
I got a SWR of about 1:1 (1.02) when I measured the antenna in an L configuration -- approx. 1-1.5m above the ground.